Astronauts among Lunar Ruins !! |
On the 21 March, 1996, Richard C.Hoagland held a press conference at the National
Press Club in Washington D.C. Here he presented a number of new, stunning NASA photos
taken during the Apollo Lunar Missions showing astronauts among highly eroded, massive, ancient,
alien glass structures!
Unfortunately, the US Press "blacked-out" this press conference, no major news networks such as C-SPAN,
CNN, NBC or ABC broadcast this live as had been expected. Others simply ridiculed Hoagland in the 30
second sound bite at the "bottom-of-the-hour" news programs. Fortunately not all journalists gave Hoagland
this disgusting treatment - (see the Sarah McClendon Report).
Blow-up of part of Apollo 10 frame 4822 (AS-10-32-4822) of an
enormous "specular reflection" of the sun from a mile-sized sheet of glass! (Large Version)
Frame 4822 is a "mystery frame" since Hoagland has at least 10 different versions of this frame.
On the photo catalogues this frame appears blacked out. NASA seems to have hidden a whole sequence of images
by giving them the same frame number!
A photograph of astronaut Alan Bean shows the photographer, Pete Conrad, reflected in
Bean's helmet visor. Also reflected in the visor is a "geometric object" hanging several feet above the lunar surface. Also
visible is the shadow created by this object. The object seems to be suspended in a "grid" of surrounding glass-like structure!
Apollo 14 astronaut, Ed Mitchell is putting up the
TV camera at Fra Mauro ... apparently oblivious to a highly complex, 3-D, glass structure arching overhead!!
Apollo 12 astronaut, Alan Bean can be seen carrying an
ALSEP science package to its deployment site. In the distance, the lunar module "Intrepid" is visible. On further enhancement, a photographic artifact (a lens glare)
can be seen "framing" the astronaut. However note the sparkling, highly geometric material clearly visible ALL OVER the sky in this version
of the photo.